Understand why South Asian people are more likely to have diabetes

What are the key reasons behind the higher levels of diabetes in the Asian community?


The problem foods:

White Rice and other refined grains – often eaten multiple times a day and with multiple servings per meal

Cooking oils and butters or ghee, which are high in saturated fat

Sweets and snacks high in sugar

Too much sugar in cups of tea/coffee

High salt intake

Preserved foods (pickled vegetables, instant noodles, cured meat)


South Asian genetics contribute to developing diabetes earlier and at lower weights or Body Mass Index (BMI) than other people.

This means that even more lifestyle measures should be taken to reduce the risk of developing diabetes.


Studies show a cultural difference in attitude towards exercise in South Asian British people compared to other ethnic groups.

South Asians recently diagnosed with diabetes are less likely to be physically active than any other ethnic group and are more likely to say they rely only on medication to control the condition as opposed to lifestyle changes.

British South Asian men tend to report lower rates of intense exercise compared to Caucasian men (studies revealed no significant difference with women).

A study in which South Asian women were interviewed about their understanding of the importance of exercise noted that respondents emphasised the importance of keeping active day-to-day, but largely ignored the ‘western’ concept of organised exercise e.g. going to the gym or regular running, yoga etc.

(Study findings reported in Diabetes UK 2017 British South Asian Report – link can be found here)

Understanding some of these factors contributing to diabetes is hugely important to help prevent people from developing the condition, especially as people might not realise some things are as harmful as they potentially are. Rice, for example, is often not thought about as a contributing factor for diabetes because it is not sweet-tasting. As some Asian diets contain a very high amount of rice, it is a big thing to address.

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